Monday, June 11, 2007

Why people eat more during exam?

This is a conversation I had with my fren few days ago

chinfatt: so funny..u guys seems to be in more stress than I am this year
chinfatt: I thought I'm suppose to be the one in distress since I'm in final yr but doesn't seems to be so now
Van: exactly
Van: all my 3 year friend they seesm so FREE
Van: we were put thru in hell
Van: that 1 months 2 nties did have sleep
Van: then feel super tired
Van: always hungry coz used alot of brain
Van: ha
Van: conclusion: retards will grow fat exponentially, coz they dun use their brain
chinfatt: Oooo

So, stock up food for exam!!!!!!!!!!!!

Is this even edible...-_-""

Donno whether u guys ever heard of this before.. CURRY ICE CREAM!!!! Wanted to try making one but couldn't find the recipe. Can anyone who knows send me the recipe??

1 comment:

WhitetulipS said...

wut does curry icecream taste like?