Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Pork-stuffed chicken wing

Aiyo...been so lazy lately....I guess its just because its holiday. I have been cooking busy was too lazy to take pic while I am cooking so I end up not having any photo for blogging. This is one of the dish that I cooked during exam. Pork-stuffed Chicken Wing I call it. Here is the ingredient.

Note: You can do this in two ways. For me, I have simmer my chicken wings in master stock before frying them. It give the chicken wings a lot more flavour. Another way is to just marinate them with soy sauce.
Stuffing chicken wing is a very time consuming job. Attempt it only if u think u have abundance of time.

18 chicken wings
100g minced pork
1.5cm ginger, finely chop
1/2 tbspn light soy sauce
1/4 tspn white pepper
pinch of salt
18 toothpick

Using a sharp knife, remove the tips of the chicken wings by cutting through the first joiunt. Trim the knuckle from the base of the wings so that you expose the small bones on either sides. Place the wings in a steamer for like 20 minutes. Set aside to cool before attempting to remove the bones.

It will look something like this

Use your thumb and forefinger to gently slide the bones out through the opening at the base of the wings. Return them to the steamer(with the heat off) to keep them warm while you prepare the stuffing.

In a large mixing bowl, work the minced pork with your hands for several minutes until it becomes elastic. Add the ginger, soy, pepper and salt and mixed thoroughly. Begin stuffing the chicken wing using toothpick to seal the ends of the wings.

Bring the master stock to boil and simmer for 5 minutes. Allowed to cool in the stock before refrigerating until ready to serve. Alternately, marinate in soy sauce

Deep fry the wings until golden brown and serve.


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